DAY7: PRE-Trade Management

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DAY7: PRE-Trade Management


Welcome to Blog No 7 in this miniseries of 10 blogs in which I will exploit MT4GUIs functionalities.

I hope you find it both interesting as well as valuable!


Thommy Tikka

DAY7: Objective

Risk- and money management are important “PRE-trade” components to handle to achieve success in trading.
Fixed lot size or risk based lot size?
Risk based on Account balance or on Equity balance?
The choice is yours when you use following piece of code!

DAY7: Functions covered


  • MT4GUI checkbox (enable/disable PRE-trade button panel)
  • MT4GUI button (switch between Fixed/Risk based lot size)
  • MT4GUI button (enable/disable movable visual SLline
  • Look and feel (Size, color, positioning etc of GUI objects)
  • MT4 (MQL4)

  • Usage of horizontal line (movable) for SL
  • EA property inputs (set default Risk/MoneyMgmt settings, SL-level and GUI panel Y-position)
  • Calculate Lot size based in preset inputs
  • Set PipPoint based on Broker digits

    // mt4gui-PRETradeManagement.mq4
    // Created by Thommy Tikka ( 
    // Version 0.1, 20130412
    // Include library file with common functions for mt4gui
    #include <mt4gui.mqh>
    // Declare global variables
    int hwnd = 0;
    int enablePRETradeBtn, moneyMgmtBtn, visualSLLineBtn;
    int gUIXPos;
    double actualSLPrice, actualSLPips;
    double usePoint, lotSize=0;
    string sLStatus="Default", lSStatus="Fixed";
    //Set default PRE-trade variables, possible to change in the EA Properties
    extern string     MONEYMANAGEMENTSETTINGS      = "----- Money/Risk Management -----";                 
    extern bool       MoneyManagementRiskInPercent = false, // Money Management, if true uses Risk Percentage, if false uses Lot Size
                      RiskBasedOnAccountBalance    = true; // Risk base on AccountBalance or AccountEquity
    extern double     RiskPercent                  = 10, // Risk Percentage, percent amount of account to risk when Money Management set to true, overrides Lot Size
                      FixedLotSize                 = 0.1,
                      DefaultStopLoss              = 10;
    extern string     GUIPOSITION                  = "----- GUI Position -----";
    // Y-Position the guiButtons
    extern int        GUIYPos                      = 50;       
    // MT4 function called during the module initialization
    int init()
    	hwnd = WindowHandle(Symbol(),Period());	
    	// Automatic X-Postion to the right 
       gUIXPos = guiGetChartWidth(hwnd)-200;
    	// Delete visual lines from chart
       // Add screenshot button to chart function call
       // Disable all gui Buttons
       // Set PointValue
       usePoint = PipPoint(Symbol());
       // Set default actualSL based on EA properties
       actualSLPips = DefaultStopLoss;
    // MT4 function called during deinitialization of the module
    int deinit()
       // Very important to cleanup and remove all gui items from chart
       if (hwnd>0) guiRemoveAll(hwnd);   	
       // Delete visual lines from chart
       // Remove eventual Comment
       Comment ("");
    // MT4 function called on every MT4 tick
    int start()
       // Call function ManageEvents on every MT4 tick
       // Call function Move SL based on line
       if (!ObjectFind("INT.SLLine")==-1) ChangeSL();
       // Call function to calculate lotSize
       // Show SL and lotSize¨
       if (actualSLPrice!=0) sLStatus="Actual"; 
       if (MoneyManagementRiskInPercent  && RiskBasedOnAccountBalance) lSStatus="AccountBalance riskbased LotSize: ";
       if (MoneyManagementRiskInPercent  && !RiskBasedOnAccountBalance) lSStatus="EquityBalance riskbased LotSize: ";
       if (!MoneyManagementRiskInPercent) lSStatus="Fixed LotSize: "; 
       Comment (sLStatus+" SL Pips: "+DoubleToStr(actualSLPips,1)+"\n"+lSStatus+DoubleToStr(lotSize,5));
    // MT4GUI functions to create Button
    void CreateButtons()
    	// Position and size of the button ,x ,y ,a ,b (x, y = position from top left corner. a, b = size of button)
    	enablePRETradeBtn	= guiAdd(hwnd, "checkbox", gUIXPos, GUIYPos, 140, 30, "Enable PRETrade"); guiSetBgColor(hwnd, enablePRETradeBtn, LightGray);guiSetTextColor(hwnd, enablePRETradeBtn, Black);	
    	// Add Risk/Fixed LotSize Btn
    	if (MoneyManagementRiskInPercent)
    	moneyMgmtBtn = guiAdd(hwnd, "button", gUIXPos, GUIYPos+30, 140, 20, "Risk Lots");
    	else moneyMgmtBtn = guiAdd(hwnd, "button", gUIXPos, GUIYPos+30, 140, 20, "Fixed Lots");
       // Add visual SL Line Btn
    	visualSLLineBtn = guiAdd(hwnd, "button", gUIXPos, GUIYPos+50, 140, 30, "SL-line");
    // MT4GUI functions to capture Button Events
    void ManageEvents()
    	// If PRE-Trade Btn is checked, enable PRE-Trade actions
    	if (guiIsChecked(hwnd, enablePRETradeBtn)) {guiSetBgColor(hwnd, enablePRETradeBtn, Blue);}
       else {guiSetBgColor(hwnd, enablePRETradeBtn, Aqua);}
       // If visualSLLineBtn is clicked call function to draw lines
       if (guiIsClicked(hwnd, visualSLLineBtn)) 
          if (ObjectFind("INT.SLLine")==-1)
       // If moneyMgmtBtn is clicked 
       if (guiIsClicked(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn)) 
          if (MoneyManagementRiskInPercent)
             guiSetText(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, "Fixed lots", 16, "Arial Rounded MT Bold");
             guiSetText(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, "Risk lots", 16, "Arial Rounded MT Bold");
    // MT4 function draw SL visual line
    void DrawVisualSLLine()
          if (actualSLPrice==0) 
             ObjectCreate("INT.SLLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, Bid-DefaultStopLoss*usePoint);
             actualSLPips = Bid -(Bid-DefaultStopLoss*usePoint);
             ObjectCreate("INT.SLLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, actualSLPrice);
          ObjectSet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_STYLE, 1);
          ObjectSet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
          ObjectSet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
          ObjectCreate("INT.SLLineLabel", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[5], ObjectGet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_PRICE1) );
          ObjectSetText("INT.SLLineLabel", "SL", 8, "Arial", Red);
    // MT4 function delete SL visual line
    void DeleteVisualSLLine()
       for(int i = ObjectsTotal(); i >= 0; i--)
         if(StringSubstr(ObjectName(i), 0, 4) == "INT.")
    // MT4GUI function, change button states
    void ChangePRETradeState()
       if (guiIsChecked(hwnd,enablePRETradeBtn))
          guiEnable(hwnd, visualSLLineBtn, 1);
          guiSetBgColor(hwnd, visualSLLineBtn, DeepSkyBlue);
          guiEnable(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, 1);
          guiSetBgColor(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, RoyalBlue);
          guiEnable(hwnd, visualSLLineBtn, 0);
          guiSetBgColor(hwnd, visualSLLineBtn, LightGray);
          guiEnable(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, 0);
          guiSetBgColor(hwnd, moneyMgmtBtn, LightGray);
    // MT4 function, change SL based on visual line move
    void ChangeSL()
       actualSLPrice = ObjectGet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_PRICE1);
       ObjectMove("INT.SLLineLabel", 0, Time[5], ObjectGet("INT.SLLine", OBJPROP_PRICE1));
       actualSLPips = (Bid-actualSLPrice)/usePoint;
    // MT4 function, Calculate LotSize
    void CalculateLotSize()
       if (MoneyManagementRiskInPercent)
           if (RiskBasedOnAccountBalance)
              double RiskAmount = AccountBalance() * RiskPercent / 100;
              RiskAmount = AccountEquity() * RiskPercent / 100;   
           if (!ObjectFind("INT.SLLine")==-1)
              double CalcLots = RiskAmount / (actualSLPips/usePoint);}
              CalcLots = RiskAmount / DefaultStopLoss*usePoint;
           lotSize = CalcLots;
       else lotSize = FixedLotSize;
    // MT4 function, Calculate symbols PipPoint
    double PipPoint(string Currency)
    int CalcDigits = MarketInfo(Currency,MODE_DIGITS);
    if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 3) double CalcPoint = 0.01;
    else if(CalcDigits == 4 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcPoint = 0.0001;


    In next Blog I will show you how you can use MT4GUI functionality in more dynamically changing environment!

    Thats all folks!

    2 Comments Responses to DAY7: PRE-Trade Management
    Dan2016-04-10 10:13:15Reply
    Great job! I was so impressed about your work. It is exactly what I wanted but couldn't easily get it implemented...thank you so much Thommy!
    Francisco2014-05-15 14:53:38Reply
    Very interesting! Thanks
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